Friday, 20 November 2009

Heaven's Gates & Hell's Flames

IMG_0364Well over 200 people attended the 3 performances of "Heaven's Gates & Hell's Flames" at church lastweek and at least 35 people responded to the invitation to commit their lives to Jesus, many of whom will be joining the new Alpha Course to help them grow in their new-found faith. All those involved with the production experienced a powerful sense of unity and rejoiced together at what God was doing in people’s lives.

If you were to die tomorrow, do you know where you would go afterwards? This question is at the heart of the drama, produced in conjunction with Reality Ministries and acted entirely by church members. It confronts us all with the eternal consequences of the choices we make in this life. It asserts the controversial but Biblical truth that no matter how ‘good’ or ‘religious’ we think we are, and despite the excuses we make for not living with God at the centre of our lives, we must all face God’s judgment. From the opening graphic scenes depicting the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus, it makes clear that only those who consciously choose to repent from their sins and put their faith in Him will receive forgiveness and have their names written in the Book of Life.

Take a look at Chris & Deb's photos here: