Friday, 18 December 2009

Friends & Neighbours Lunch

The staff team abandoned computers & pulpit on Wednesday and put on their aprons to cook and serve a festive meal for anyone in church to invite their friends and neighbours to. Almost 50 people sat down to roast turkey & Christmas pud, with all the trimmings, expertly prepared by head chef for the day, Neil, and his multi-talented crew, Judy, Di, Tammie and Ellie! Everyone was most complementary about the food - one guest even remarked that it must be an especially 'holy' lunch served by such saintly people!

After the feasting, we sang some lovely old carols, accompanied by Melanie, while we sipped our coffee and chocolate mints. Then Mike Snelling spoke, basing his message on the angel's announcement of Jesus' birth to the shepherds. He reminded us that Christmas means that we no longer need to fear, that we shouldn't misinterpret joy and above all that we shouldn't miss out on the Good News that Jesus' birth is for all of us.

(Image courtesy of